alice webinar | Decarbonizing Road Freight Transport: Zero Emissions Vehicles availability roadmap


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Freight transport, logistics companies and shippers are developing and implementing their decarbonization roadmaps. Road freight transport decarbonization is critical to achieve climate objectives. Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Hydrogen Electric vehicles are key technologies in development and expected to be widely available in future but still requiring acceleration to de-risk first in kind investments. In this session we will address these problems:

Vehicles availability

As part of ALICE Efficient and Low Emissions Assets and Energy thematic group and ENTRANCE project a market analysis has been performed gathering information from 60+ OEMs and identifying 120+ zero emission vehicles models in the market or hitting the market soon. Moreover, 40 vehicles OEMs have been contacted to gather further information on vehicles availability.

ACEA has recently published a Position paper – Review of CO2 emission standards regulation for heavy-duty vehicles and assessed vehicles availabilities and the infrastructure requirements to accelerate adoption.

Linking offer and demand

In a very fragmented market in terms of demand and with current limitations in availability, ALICE considers that concrete activities to link offer and demand of first of a kind solutions is critical for adoption acceleration. ENTRANCE project is supporting de-risking investments and practically accelerate innovation adoption. ENTRANCE is exploring opportunities of trucks purchase aggregation and is inviting carriers and logistics service providers to join forces in order to speed up adoption.

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Welcome and introduction. John Smith. Head of Sustainable Infrastructure and Facilities Management at An Post and ALICE Efficient and Low Emissions Assets and Energy.

John will welcome attendees and share a bit of the context, introduce this activity field within ALICE and share will the objectives of the session.

Vehicles and infrastructure availability. Thomas Fabian. Commercial Vehicles Director. ACEA

Thomas will share the recently published position paper on CO2 emissions standards and will drive on the needs for infrastructure and priorities as a result of the study: Electric trucks: new data maps out priority locations for charging points.

Release of the zero emissions vehicles market analysis done within ENTRANCE project. 

PNO will share the summary of the market analysis performed and the way carriers and companies can access this information through ENTRANCE platform.

Linking offer and demand through ALICE vehicles availability survey. John Smith. 

John will share the results of the ALICE survey on vehicle availability so far and how we plan to connect offer and demand through ALICE network.

Launch of the purchase aggregation initiative supported by ENTRANCE. Fernando Liesa. Secretary General, ALICE.

Fernando will introduce the initiative and will invite carriers interested to join forces with other carriers to join the initiative.

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Día y hora

Añadir al calendario 2022-09-1510:00 2022-09-1511:30 Europe/Madrid alice webinar | Decarbonizing Road Freight Transport: Zero Emissions Vehicles availability roadmap Online




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