Se extiende plazo de inscripciones - Invitación a las Start-Up de Railgrup a participar en el European Startup Prize for mobility (EUSP)


Este evento ha expirado

Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. We know that the current crisis has changed everyone's priorities; we are thinking first about our health, our new routines in confinement, and only then can we think about our business. That is why we adjusted this year's calendar and postponed the deadline.

If you haven't yet applied, you still have a chance until the end of April. 

The European Startup Prize for mobility.

The European Startup Prize for mobility (EUSP) is a public-private initiative, co-founded by the Chairwoman of the Transports' Committee at the European Parliament, Karima Delli, the Boston Consulting Group and Via ID. The EUSP is under the patronage of the Euopean Parliament and the Eruopean Comission, it aims to select and support every year the 10 most innovative and sustainable mobility startups in Europe in order to shape a new landscape for sustainable mobility in EU and around the world. 

More than just a Prize 

The EUSP is a unique acceleration programme, connected to the EU, that supports startups developing sustainable mobility innovations, with the aim of giving them the resources necessary to scale up in Europe.

During the selection process, the applicants will be judged based on rigorous criteria such as innovation, market traction, ecological and social impact.

The 10 winners will be invited to a pitch competition during which our Jury will determine: 4 Gold Awards and 6 Silver Awards.

One of the startups will also receive a Special Award from the audience.

At Railgrup we encourage our start up ecosystem to submit their application before the deadline, March 31st, 2020.

For further questions, please contact

Este evento ha expirado

Día y hora

Añadir al calendario 2020-04-3009:00 2020-04-3010:00 Europe/Madrid Se extiende plazo de inscripciones - Invitación a las Start-Up de Railgrup a participar en el European Startup Prize for mobility (EUSP) Railgrup



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