Workshop Project MoTiV - Presentaciones disponibles

Presentación digital

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Compartimos presentaciones realizadas el pasado miércoles 18 de Septiembre en el Workshop Project MoTiV de Eurecat en colaboración con Railgrup.

Este evento ha expirado

Día y hora

Añadir al calendario 2019-05-0521:00 2019-05-0522:00 Europe/Madrid Workshop Project MoTiV - Presentaciones disponibles Presentación digital


Presentación digital

Impact of connectivity and digital infrastructure on value of travel time MoTiV project

H2020 MoTiV Project Manager ERAdiate Team, University of Žilina (Slovakia)

Travel Behavior Workshop at SCSP 2019

H2020 MoTiV project, Woorti app ERAdiate Team, University of Žilina (Slovakia)

Dr. Giuseppe Lugano

Dr. Martin Hudák, University of Zilina, ERAdiate

Martin Hudak & Marian Gogola

Yannick Cornet

Prof. Tatiana Kovacikova

Beyond Travel Time savings: Conceptualising and Modelling the Individual Value Preposition of Mobility

ERAdiate contribution to research and innovation in ITS in Europe: the case of the MoTiV project

H2020 MoTiV success story at UNIZA


What brings HiReach and MoTiV together


The power of Data Analytics in assessing Value of Time for Mobility and Transport Planning: uncovering users’ mobility behavior

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