Europe’s Rail and SESAR 3 Joint  Undertakings have published a joint call for the development of an “Integrated  air and rail network backbone for a sustainable and energy-efficient multimodal  transport system”. The call targets solutions that will improve doortodoor mobility for Europe’s  citizens, and is expected to generate synergies between the air and rail  innovation communities. With a total investment of EUR 7 million, the call is  being co-funded within the framework of the EU’s Horizon Europe research and  innovation programme.

TMB trabaja de forma permanente en el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras que permitan mejorar sus servicios, como la accesibilidad a los transportes y la experiencia de usuario, configurando varios retos que trasladan al mercado.

Actualmente, busca  una solución innovadora para salvar el espacio entre el tren y el andén.

La empressa asociada de In-Move by railgrup ISC estará presente con CSIT en el UITP Congress de Barcelona del 5 al 7 de junio, con un stand donde se podrá ver su sistema de comunicaciones y de información al viajero, con una demo con datos reales, así como los kioscosdigitales que ya están funcionando en distintas estaciones de FGC. 

Se trata de una excelente oportunidad  para que lo conocer de primera mano ese sistema de úlitma generación.

Cenex has published three textbooks, supported by Innovate UK, on innovative transport and charging infrastructure.

The books are available to buy on Amazon and are an introduction to: Low Carbon Road Transport, Shared Mobility, and Vehicle-to-Grid.

They are a useful resource based on Cenex’s extensive portfolio of research and are aimed at anyone looking to move into the sector, either at the start of their career or retraining.

The webinar ‘Proven alternative financing options for solution providers and buyers of first-of-a-kind sustainable transport solutions’ took place on 25 January 2023. The goal of the webinar was to demonstrate the feasibility and accessibility of alternative finance solutions to attract buyers and solution providers towards trying new methods to access funds and financing.

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